Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Completed first bruises to show

My first week on the C25K program has finished and I am proud to say I survived the three sessions and felt pretty good about it at the end. I went this morning for my run and took advantage of my hubby working from home, so he could stay with the kids. Having done too much on Monday with my step class on top of my run, today I wanted to just to my training and call it a day.

This time I actually paid attention to the intervals I was doing. So for those interested, its 30 second run, then a 45 second run and finally a 1minute run.. three times. I am pleased to say that after my first minute long run, I was already feeling soreness in my calves. But by the end of my second minute run, I was feeling limber and actually wanted to run a little bit more...And then of course at the end of my third minute run, I was definitely done:)

I know as my weeks go on, the intervals will get longer. Im excited for that, and scared at the same time. I've never done anything like this before, so the thought of failing weighs heavily on me. I have failed many times before when it came to activity that I really want to succeed at this. Hell I don't have any aspirations to become a runner. I don't want to do marathons, or triathlons or even spend my summer outside running. Maybe the more I progress, the more I will want to run, but for now, I just want to be able to set this goal, and accomplish it.

I know I am only a week into this, but I feel very excited about the prospect of completing a 5k. It makes me excited to get out of bed in the morning, especially on a training day. I look forward to coming back on here and writing about my run and how things went, even if for no one but myself. I really do hope the motivation and excitement stay with me. I don't neccessarily want to run.. but I do want to finish.

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